First survey of bisexual people in the Berlin-Brandenburg area

First survey of Bisexual people in the Berlin-Brandenburg area conducted by BiBerlin e.V. shows: Bisexual people are diverse and under-represented in the LGBTIQ* community 

Key results point to biphobic prejudice and lack of bisexual visibility or representation in the general public as well as in the LGBTIQA* community. The survey suggests a high need of more services and events specifically for bisexual people in Berlin-Brandenburg including intersectionally oriented spaces and events.  

Berlin, 14/07/2023. BiBerlin e.V., Berlin’s only official organization for people under the bisexual umbrella, recently conducted the first ever survey of the Bi+ community in the Berlin-Brandenburg region in the summer/autumn of 2022. The online survey collected valid data about the regions Bi+ community regarding their identity, diversity, discrimination and needs as well as about the perception of BiBerlin e.V.’s work and public relations.  


The quantitative survey with standardized questions and open text fields took about 15 minutes to answer, and participants could answer the survey in both German and English. The design of the survey meets scientific standards of empirical research and was methodically implemented by Anna Sive – member of the board at BiBerlin e.V., who is also professionally working in the field of empirical research. The content of the survey was designed by the Diversity and Inclusion team of BiBerlin e.V.  

The first section of the survey had questions about how individuals under the Bi+ umbrella identify, including gender identity, sexual attraction, ethnicity. “Bi+” or “bi+ umbrella” is a term coined by activists to describe the broad spectrum of self-designations regarding sexual and/or romantic attraction to multiple genders such as pansexual, biromantic, omnisexual etc.  

Next, it asked whether they experience discrimination, and, if so, on which grounds. It then asked whether they are aware of and/or attend events geared towards Bi+ people. The second section of the survey was geared towards those who are members of BiBerlin e.V., and those have who have attended its events, and asked questions about their experience and needs.  

Sample size and field approach 

The survey received over 500 submissions, out of which 350 were both completed and from participants in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. Field approach was realized by sharing the survey not only on BiBerlin’s own web and social media channels, on queer events incl. the CSD and the Lesbisch-Schwules Stadtfest but also accompanied with mailings and various online posts by a comprehensive list of queer players in the region. Additionally, the survey was also shared amongst other organizations working in the field of other diversity aspects such as disability, migration and many others.  

This approach ensured that a broad variety of Bi+ persons took part in the survey – not only the ones already familiar with BiBerlin e.V. From a empirical point of view, the number and mix of participants reflects a valid and reliable sample and is a premier of making data about Bi+ people in the region visible in a scientific context.

Key results 

The key findings were that the Bi+ community in the Berlin-Brandenburg region is diverse – in terms of gender, identity and ethnicity. Bi+ individuals identify as belonging to multiple queer communities as well. Bi+ people experience multiple forms of discrimination, and many also experience intersectional discrimination. The large majority is not only affected by one but often by multiple discriminations including intersectional ones. BIPoC inclusion and Trans inclusion are two of the topics the Bi+ community must increase – as well as the other queer communities too.  

The – currently 100% voluntarily working – BiBerlin e.V. covers some, but not all, needs of the community; the survey revealed a desire for different kinds of events and different formats to discuss and learn within and about the Bi+ community. The Berlin/Brandeburg Bi+ community has the need for safer spaces, Bi+ specific rooms as well as for Bi+ specific consulting on various topics including Bi+ and family, Bi+ and health etc.  

BiBerlin currently reaches a large proportion of Bi+ people through its public outreach, including its online and social media presence. This could potentially be a way to facilitate an increase in representation in Bi+ community. 


Most of the respondents are under 45 years old and have a higher education degree. 25% of respondents live below the poverty line. Most respondents are not religious; however, among those who are, the majority identified as Christians. The large majority of the respondents are German citizens. Under 1/5 do not identify as white.

Gender identity

Most of respondents are women; approximately a third of the respondents identify as something other than female or male. One in five identify themselves as having more than one gender identity. 1 in 5 people define themselves as not cisgender. 


Large majority of those surveyed placed themselves somewhere along the bisexual spectrum (attracted to more than one gender, to all genders or regardless of gender). 29% stated that their sexual attraction is fluid. More than half identified with more than two labels that fall under the Bi+ umbrella. Also, Bi+ people often use labels falling under the Bi+ umbrella and other labels (such as lesbian, gay etc.) combined. 75% identify as part of the queer / LGBTIQA* community. However only half of all respondents identified themselves as belonging to the Bi+ community. There is a significant overlap between the Bi+, trans, kink and polyamory communities.


10% of respondents are affected by one form of discrimination. 80% of respondents are affected by at least 2, but often more, forms of discriminations. Discriminations mentioned most are sexism & misogyny, Bi+ phobia, classism, ableism and general queer phobia. 16% answered that they experience intersectional discrimination. Only 11% of those questioned stated that they were not discriminated against. Within the Bi+ community, there is a perceived lack of trans- and BIPOC inclusivity. Out of the respondents, 42% felt that they could weigh in on this issue. More than a third of these perceived a lack of trans-inclusivity, and over half perceived a lack of BIPOC-inclusivity. 

Concerns and most relevant topics for Bi+ people

The large majority states, that visibility of Bi+ is an important topic for them (73%). 60% find the discrimination of Bi+ persons within queer communities an important topic, followed by the problem of discrimination outside queer communities (52%).  Further mentions refer to topics such as the lack of a Bi+ community & Bi+ spaces, as well as a lack of attention to intersectionality and racism. 

Usage and publishing of the survey 

This press release marks the first preview to the currently unpublished data of the survey.  BiBerlin e.V. plans to publish and present the detailed data to the public within the second half of 2023. For questions about the survey, please reach out to  


Press contact:  

Name: Anna Sive
Telefonnummer: +49170321178 


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